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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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interests. I think this may have been a handicap with Brewer in accomplishment in some one field. - Aug. 29, 1912
- Greene, E. L. - One of the most powerful elements in success in any field is confidence of the individual in himself. T. Roosevelt has it, as an obvious example. Egotism of course goes with it. But both these qualities had E. L. Greene. In his writings of the late eighties and the nineties he often had to correct himself in the matter of publ. [publication] of new species. This was nearly always fault of Gray who had named as determined some species incorrectly as is to be seen from a perusal of Greene's writings. But on p. 66 of the Fl. Fr. [Floara franciscana] he
cites a case which was the fault of the filaments and not of Gray and therefore very interesting.
- Aug. 31, 1912.
- James Davis, my camp boy on the Siskiyou trip of 1907. Indian halfbreed. Had thorough training in Neil's pack train running to the Salmon River mines from Etna. Didn't have to be told to do things about camp. Would see what was to be done and do it. Has worked his way through the Etna schools and is now in Etna High. A. W. Sampson of N. Y. came out to take this trip. I described him to Jimmie as a "gentleman of leisure." Jimmie could not grasp that. He had no place in him scheme of things for just that. In Jimmies's world you worked or you didn't. If you worked like
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