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Earthquake Items
The newspapers say that: -
- It was so hot at Richmond at the height of the conflagration that the people on the slope next S.F. moved away!
- Suddenly depriving certain people of their whisky daily, drove them insane.

From Signs of the Times. Adventist Weekly.
"Such a sure and terrible ending of all things sinful must be reserved for a definite time in the purpose of God who
could not be true to his declared merciful character should He fail to give warning of its direct approach [the end of the world]. The Saviour said:
"Nation shall rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom and great earthquakes shall be in divers places - Matt. 24, 1-8."
"Like Babylon and Tyre in their preliminary punishments, was not this modern proud and beautiful Babylon and modern thrifty Tyre meeting the fate that her open flaunting God-defying wickedness invited?
Thus God will destroy the wicked from off the Earth. But the righteous will be preserved in the midst of these commotions as Noah was preserved in the ark."
A physician said to the editor: I didn't think God had anything to do with this earthquake. If I thought he did I would have no respect for such a God" The Editor
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