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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Kew Herbarium
- Douglas writes from Monterey, Mar. 19, 1832 to Hooker, introducing his valued friend Stephen Anderson, evidently a ships officer. Also "Dr. Coulter requests to be mentioned to you and desires me to say it will be a pleasure to him to make your personal acquaintance on his return to England".
The following letter is undated: In the California collection you will find 4 new species of Thysanocarpus, one remarkable indeed. The capsule something like this [drawing] T. perforatus would suit it admirably. The first day I found this beautiful and highly interesting plant on the Hill of Bunavista 16 miles from Monterey in June 1831. The first 4 or
June 21, 1906.
5 spedcimens were laid in only as for habitat thinking the holes in the capsules was the ragaves of insects and taking it for the Columbia one nothing more passed. In the course of the day I had the pleasure of wading knee deep among tufts of this plant - and laid it as less 200 specimens. When the capsules are nearly ripe they quiver in the breeze like Briza maxima giving the landscape a fanciful but at the same time a beautiful appearance - all the species are highly curious. Peonia is a common plant in the mountain districts of California but I do not know if it can be considered specifically distinct or not. Papav-
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