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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Kew Herbarium
- Mr. John Morley, when at school, wrote what he wished to be a prize poem but it was unsuccussful. The head master said to him: I am glad you have composed this poem because it shows all the elements of a sound prose style"!
- "This old Europe bores me" - Napoleon.
- "The British rulers of India are like men who are trying to make the watches keep time in two longitudes at once" -
-"It might be insoluble but then Statesmen were always dealing with insoluble problems".
June 21, 1906
- Linnean Society, last meeting of the year, papers by Miss Gibbs on Rhodesian botany, Carruthers on the portraits of Linnaeus with lantern slides, Stapf, Sir Dietrich Brandis, etc. The rooms in Burlington House, Piccadilly, very handsome - fine oil portraits of Bentham, the Hookers father and son, Sir Joseph Banks, Sir John Lubbock, S. H. Vines, Darwin and a great many more. Also in particlar a fine portrait of Archibald Menzies. Dadyon [Daydon] Jackson tells me the Scotch say "Minges" and not Ruthven as spelled but "Riven". Sir Dietrich Brandis made a strong plea for physiological and anatomical work preceding systematic work.
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