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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Kew Herbarium
- Sir Dietrich Brandis has been showing me many kindnesses again. He is a very pompous old gentleman but it doesn't take much discernment to see that he has a very warm and generous heart beneath his bluff exterior. In a moment of enthusiasm he said, the other day: "If California will only preserve her redwood forests, preserve them! - then she will be [dowered] with might and power for all time. Such an endowment to a state, a commonwealth means prosperity for years and years to come." - And yet Sir Dietrich has never seen California, not yet America.
June 15, 1906
- Blepharizona laxa, Antioch, Curran, 1883!
Purpus, July 1824, was on Snow Mt, Lake Co.
Eschscholtzia californica. A somewhat fasciated flower-stemmed spm. [specimen] collected by Douglas in 1833, the flower mounstrous with many petals - Kew Hb.
- Penstemon Bridgessii. Named for Bridges of California.
- Lobb, Wm. Introduced Delphinium cardinale to English cult. Described from his spms. He was not the first collector probably. Bot. Mag. t. 4887 is a showy but not especially good plate.
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