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Cambridge University
well green house because it is sunk in such a way that diffuse light only reaches it. The roof grrenhouse is of the usual pattern, and there is besides open air space, as there was also in the well greenhouse. Blackman told me of one curious defect in their building. The water pipes were so put in, next to the furnace pipes, that they could have no cold water in the place. Now remedied but no one thought of if at first. They have a dark-room of course. Seward is the morphology man and gave me a bit of time. Then to the Herbarium where I looked up Lindley's Godetias. They are very inadequately
Oct. 16, 1905
labeled and I did not feel sure that certin ones were types. American collectors lead the world in their labeling of specimens.
With Prof. Ward to luncheon at the King's Arms. "Why do you Americans go to that expensive cumbersome Bull. Come now, isn't this much better"? Truly it was very pleasant but the best part was Ward's conversation. He thinks the London poor are largely frauds, dwelt in the national vice of self-depreciation, says the English are a second-rate people in that they never do their best except in a crisis, that continental foreigners take them at their own value and so think little of them; remarked in ref. to a comment of mine on the Englishman's love of
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