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Kew Herbarium
On p. 212 he recounts a few of the pettty annoyances which crossed his researches in Natural History. His bird skins were throuwn overboard, the paper for drying plants was stored under a quantity of goods being loaded and of course could not be got at it again, etc, etc. "So finally I relinquished all farther labors in science and resigned myself to the wishes of Resanoff," he says, and acted as interpreter in the transaction of business with the natives.
They departed May 10.
He remarked further that the "urine" of the pole-cat exceeds in smell every thing that can be conceived and that it is phosphoric, p. 213.
May 10, 1906.
Anemopsis Californica H&A. Anemia californica Nuttall in Ann. Nat. Hist.[Annals Natural History] 1, 136(1838). "Hab. Springy bogs and open marshes by streams around Sta. Barbara and Sta. Diego in Upper California."

What has becom of Nuttalls' California journal? Surely he must have kept one? His "Journal of Travels into the Arkansas Ty. [Territory] in 1819" is very exact and completete.

Wrangell, Ferd. von. Governor of the Russian Northwest Settlements from about 1828 on. Previously he had made an arctic expedition and is the author of "Siberia and the Polar Sea" with portrait frontispiece.
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