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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Kew Herbarium

= Quercus lobata, Rio Sacramento.
"Within, and at the verge of the banks, oaks of immense size were plentiful. There appeared to form a band on each side, about three hundred yards in depth, and within (on the immense park-like extent, which we generally explored when landing for positions) they were seen to be disposed in clumps, which served to relieve the eye, wandering over what might otherwise be described as one level plain or sea of grass. Several of these oaks were examined, and some of the smaller felled. The two most remarkable measured respectively twenty-seven feet and nineteen
May 20, 1906
feet in circumference, at three feet above the ground. The latter rose perpendicularly at a (computed) height of sixty feet before expanding its branches, and was truly a noble sight."
- Belcher, Voyage Round the World, 1;123 [End of Oct. & Beg. Nov. 1837]
"The ash is excellent but does not attain any great size. Wild grapes generally prefer it, and the varied colors of the dark-green leaves, added to the brown tints of the decaying leaves of the vine, produce, on rounding the different bends of the river, very beautiful contrasts at this season. Our friend, the plane, however, will not be eclipsed.
The timber of this tree is solid
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