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Cambridge University
The tablet is surounted by the coat of arms in a wreath, consisting of 5 horizontal bars, 3 white alternating wih 2 black, the top white bar with 3 stars, the whole crowned with a raven in a very militant attitude, but sitting in the open crown.
While attempting to find Prof. Marshall-Ward I was directed to the house of Prof. A. W. Ward (History) St. Peter's College. Fine looking white haired gentleman who would not allow me to retire on discovering my mistake but insisted on a monment's chat and afterwards introduced me to his wife because he had been honored by being mistaken for a botanist, Mrs. Ward being
Oct. 16, 1905.
very fond of botany. They send their cordial remembrances to our Prof. Gayley.
Prof. Marshall-Ward is very unwell; found him in his office resting after a lecture. After taking me into his large elementay laboratory where some 180 students were working with seedlings in various stages, with demonstrations of respiration (on seeds), and using reference books to read up on the jar material of seedlings - flatish rectangular jars - he turned me over to his head assistant who took me over their new _100,000 building. Blackman is the Physiology Man - and has fine quarters. He showed me his two greenhouses, one he calls the
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