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[August 2, 1905]

in certain ways, that is without set rules. Prof. Le Plae appeared in Prince Albert and silk hat the first day of the Congress at Liege, the second day with the same dress except that a straw hat had been exchanged for the silk hat! I noticed such combinations often, also full dress in the daytime.
Horses are fed a sort of brown bread in the street when waiting in harness, the owner slicing of pieces with a sheath knife from a round loaf.
Two leopard-like dogs harnessed to a cart, resting, tired out in their harness, presented a picturesque sight, the limbs and body straining the harness taut for they could not lie free.
Brussels Botanic Garden
[August 3, 1905]

1640-Death of Rubens.
1695-Bombardment of Brussels.
1715-Austrian regime in Belgium.
1797-French regime in Belgium.
1814-Dutch regime in Belgium.
1830-Independence of Belgium.
1891-Tee cut down.
Age = 1550 years.

The section was wedge-like. It is kept in a glass case. On the side of the section are marked off the centuries beginning with 600. Something over 500 years of the heart is gone. One notices in the indication of great events the stress laid on Belgian history. The wood sections from the Belgian

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