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New York to Antwerp
July 15-24, 1905

Sailed from New York to Antwerp at 10:30 A.M. Found a lot of mail on board for me, steamer letters from my mother, sister, Prof. and Mrs. L.J. Richardson, and Mrs. A.G. Freemen, and a lot of newspapers and magazines from the latter. This Red Star line steamer, Vaderland, is a very steady vessel. Sitting at dinner one might easily suppose that one was ashore. Have not only not been seasick but not even a qualm! And I am very susceptible to seasickness, moreover I do not like the sea. Its awful vastness is impressive and its cruelty fearful-two characteristics which it has in common with the desert-a region of great fascination for me I must admit.
[New York to Antwerp]
July 15-24, 1905

Antwerp, my first European city, is to me exceedingly beautiful. The beauty and color of its old buildings, its narrow streets, decorated squares, and picturesque street scenes were full of interest. The city is kept very clean and the color tones of the house are exceedingly pleasing. One walks in the street as often as on the sidewalks which are sometimes but 1 or 2 feet wide. Wherever they are wide and often where they are not the restaurants and cafes fill up the space completely with chairs and little tables where people sit eating and drinking. Such places are innumerable. One gets the impression that the Belgians do nothing but eat and drink, men and women both, and of course of all classes.
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