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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Roy. Bot. Garden
John Jeffrey cont [continued]"

[describ]ing his journey, 1200 miles, from Cumberland House, on snow shoes, sleeping in the open air for 47 nights under the friendly Pine, the thermometer on several occasions 30 degrees to 40 degrees below zero. He afterwards went on to Fort Vancouver, baggage on dog-sleds.
At a meeting of the Committee held Aug. 24, 1852, Andrew Murray in the printed minutes signs himself "Joint Sec'y," i.e. of the Com. [committee] and of the association at large I suppose. The names of the com. [committee] present:-George Patton, Chairman, Sir W.G. Craig, Bart., Sir David Dundas, Bart., Mr. Charles Lawson, Mr. Isaac Anderson, Mr. David Smith, Dr. Lowe, Mr. John Greig, Mr. Andrew Murray.
[Royal Botanical Garden]
Edinburgh, Sept. 6, 1905

A box had arrived from San Francisco by post with postage of 135 pounds which Gov'm't [government] remitted. It contained an inventory which was printed and distributed as part of the minutes folio. The packages of seeds were numbered and for the most part generically named. An idea of his route may be gathered from the localities:
Columbia near Colville, May 13, 1851.
Kontani River, May 1851.
Forks of Okinagon River, July 9, 1851.
Campment des Femmes. July 19, 1951.
Manson's Mt. [Mountain], E. [east] of Fraser R. [River]. July 20, 1851.
Mts. [mountains] east of Fraser River. Sept. 17, 1851.
Frasers R. [River] near Fort Hope, Aug. 11, 1851.
Victoria, July, 1851.
Vancouver's Island, August 1851.
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