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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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St. Helena, May 28, 1904
-Each time that I come to Napa Valley I renew my ecstasies of delight over its pleasures of wooded hill and valley floor.
- The Douglas Spruce is on this floor of the valley in gravelly spots with the Yellow Pine and Black Oak. The Yellow Pine is on the top of the ridge. So is the Douglas Spruce. But the latter is also everywhere between - at least on favored slopes.
St. Helena to Burke's Sanatorium
-Had a glorious ride to Burke's via Calistoga and the Petrified Forest. The hills were magnificent and the vistas ever-shifting. Along Porter Creek the caterpillars have stripped some Live Oaks and many Oregon Ashes. The latter look very odd with the whole midribs of the compound leaves sticking out all over the trees. The Garry Oak is at the Petrified Forest - 2 fine trees at the station - and on down to Burke's. In this range are more species of oak trees than at any other point or range in California: Black Oak, Coast Live Oak, Blue Oak, Garry Oak, Maul Oak. The Tan Oak is not far away and is in this region. Valley Oak - seven in
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