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Briceland [S. Humboldt Co.]

- The largest tanning firms in the state in order are: -- Kullinan, Salz & Co, Frank Brothers, Wagner Leather Co.
- Bark to all appearances dry hs lost 11% since last Aug. It was somewhat green inside. -- Wagner
- Bark deteriorates with age. Rump bark which assayed 21% lost 2% after six years -- Wagner.
- Stump-shoots between 1400 and 1500 -- Spool 5. No 3 -- The only gap where fire had hollowed stump on one side. --
- Hollow stump but wood all around, two edges of ingrown bark-wood 4 or 5 in thick at thinnest part
June 19, 1903.

- An Indian half-breed says: Pigeon-berry bark (Rhamnus Cal.) peeled upwards causes you to vomit; peeled downwards moves the bowels!
- A young Douglas Spruce is a beautiful tree -- up to 40 or 50 ft. especially 20 or 30 -- but old trees are sombre. Young trees furnish the "Christmas Trees" for S.F.
- F.C. Eudsie, quarter-breed, works for Extract people. Boys call him "Butch". Lusty fellow. The family live 4 mi. from here. 3 [?] brothers and 4 sisters, 2 brs. being half-bro. Eudsie was at one time well-to-do, they say, and connected with the Vallejo Flour Mill.

No. 2206. Rhamnus. [californica typica C.B. Wolf] Note the old leaves hanging straight down when the new shoots begin to grow!
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