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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Wilder Ridge is a great bark country but is too far away from shipping to do anything with. Better bark country than this. Flats over there all covered with Tan Oak. 200 acres of Redwood, isolated cluster, on Mattole about 10 miles above the Upper Mattole School. All of which said the man
- Fire-cracker flower -- 27 in cluster and 2 or 3 small buds; all the 27 in fl = Mott.

- A company of us were talking of the beautiful forest things and Mrs. Housken spoke of the handsome Rose-bay. Finally Mr. Wagner said humorously that the most beautiful thing in the world to him was a fine piece of leather -- no, no, -- no! fine extract. -- fine extract now!
June 17, 1903

- North of Extract works 1 1/2 m. -- ridge peeled in 1902; shoots came up abundantly as shown by photographs in Spool 5. Country was fired in March or April to rid the country of dead tops and protect the works against a general forest fire. Sprouts in many cases were all killed but new sprouts are now appearing plentifully. Even the dwarf Tan Oak 1 to 3 ft. was killed but is sprouting in just the same way Perhaps 30% of the low bush shows no sprouts, but as the sprouts are just appearing there is time yet for them to show.
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