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Fort Bragg

- The logs are pulled down the hill by donkey-engines, some with drums which wind up the cables, some with old fashioned spools which receive the coil by hand. We watched several logs taken off a steep hill by the men. The first went straight down. It got its nose blocked once but the men released it and it went on down. The next log started, then turned sidewise and began to roll creating a terrible fuss. It seemed to us, above it, that it might land on top of the engine crew. It struck a tall slender Douglas Spruce, broke it off, and as the
June 27, 1903.

towering mass started toward the bottom of the canon the engineer deserted his post and fled. But it fell short of the engine and things went smoothly again. In these woods they bark or peel the logs at any time, altho they peel better at some seasons than others. After sawing the logs into lengths a woodsman bevels the end of the log that is to go down hill and into this end the hooks are driven. These hooks accumulate of course at the railroad landing and as they are heavy for men to pack back they are loaded into a little boat cut from a spruce log -- a flat boat, made bow-wise at both end. This is hitched on
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