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Kenny's to Usal

in the eary evenings, the call of quail in the quiet mid-afternoons and the occasional hoarse cry of a crow flying over.
- Fine grove of Chestnuts on seaward slope, north hollow, on the up-grade to Kenny's from French's. The trees are not as large as in the interior but they had very tall straight trunks, either so little grooved or as in others so like Tan Oak trunks as to be scarcely recognizable as Chestnut. The trunks showed the whitening effect of proximity to the ocean. Redwood trunks whiten up too. Some in White Thorn looked so smooth and glistening as to be utterly unlike Redwood -- more like
June 24, 1903.

some Douglas Spruce. Of course this is not near the ocean. Many Redwoods had 2 or 3 "main trunks" above 10 or 20 ft.
- Concerning Douglas Spruce mentioned on previous page -- three years growth before this season were successively (upwards) 2', 2'6", 2'8". The diameter was 3 in. at ground.
- Camped 1 1/2 mi. s. of Kennys at Feazel's -- a spring and
open place there on ridge.
No. 2209. Hookera terrestris (Kell.) Usal, on dry hills (in hard ground), facing the sea. Umbels right down on the ground, no peduncle above at all!, suggesting a Brodiaea minor whose bulb had been buried too deeply and just managed to get through to the surface. Anthers very broad (4-sided-elliptic) with a square notch! at apex and notched for
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