Index to this volume

Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Birds cont_d
Eagle, 46_56
Eagle nest, 11_128; 37_133
Fly-up-the-Creek, 40_4
Geese, 12_40; 31_170; 41_102; 49_166
Geese Wallows, 12_41
Gros-beak, Black Headed, 34_27
Grouse, 3_171; 16_104
Gull, 42_25
Hawk, 40_135; 42_101
Hawk, Brown-tailed, 47_365
Hawk, Night, 45_53
Hawk, Sparrow, 47_365
Hoopee, 42_100
Hummingbird, 18_175; 37_155; 45_57
Jay, 41_24
Jay, Blue, 46_115
Lark, 41_141; 39_163
Lark, Horned, 45_179
Linnet, 41_24
Magpie, 40_5; 41_73; 45_168
Birds cont_d
[Magpie], 49_68
Meadowlarks, 30_198; 39_163
Melospiza Melodia Samuelis, 34_80
Mockingbird, 32_85; 37_18
Oriole, Bullock_s, 33_129
Oriole, Golden, 46_237
Ouzel, water, playing in mist of Vernal Fall, 41_23
Parakeet, 42_200
Pigeons, 38_163
Pigeons, Blue Rock, 43_436
Pigeons, Wild, 18_150
Quail, 3_171; 12_103; 16_195; 37_153_37_155; 41_68; 46_57; 47_459
Quail and dog, 5_13
Quail entrapped in thorn bush, 42_227
Quail, Gamble, 46_237
Ravens, 2_43; 34_23
Roadrunner, 33_129; 35_50; 37_69
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