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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Bolelia, 1_112; 20_157
Bolelia elegans, 1_150
Boston, _96, 1_60
Botanical Exploration in California, 24_134, 19_164
Bower_s Cave, _96, 1_85
Boykinia, 23_190
Bozeman, Montana, _06, 16_82
Bracken, 1_139
Bracken Fern, 20_110
Brandegee, T., 23_191
Brandegee, Mrs. K. 6_41; 18_27, 18_36, 18_97, 18_197
Brandt, R.P., 24_92, 24_125, 24_143, 24_144, 24_172, 24_174, 24_196
Bread fruit, 22_18
Brewer, W.H., 1_60, 1_181; 18_61; 20_69; 24_130, 24_161
Brewer, Watson and Gray, 19_117
Briceland, _03, 10_38; _02, 9_23
Brickellia californica, 1_140;
[Brickellia californica] 18_51; 20_137; 24_105
Brides Bonnet, 19_128
Bridges, 18_61, 18_185, 18_196; 19_38; 13_182
Bridges, Coniferes de Californie, 18_50
Brigham of Honolulu, 22_18
British Museum, _05, 12_170; 13_54
Britten, Ernest, 23_161, 23_162, 23_171, 23_177; 24_78
Britten, Frank, 22_164, 22_167, 22_188; 23_161; 24_2
Brodiaea, 23_52, 23_59
Brodiaea capitata, 18_143, 18_154, 18_174; 19_127
Brodiaea, curving stalked, 19_136
Brodiaea grandiflora, 1_136; 18_174
Brodiaea hyacinthina, 1_141, 1_146
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