University Herbarium, UC Berkeley


Reference list from DeCew's Guide


%A Kremer, B.P.
%D 1973.
%T Isolation of mannitol from Desmarestia viridis.
%J Phytochemistry
%V 12: 609--610.

%A Ragan, M.A.
%A Jensen, A.
%D 1979.
%T Widespread distribution of sulfated polyphenols in brown algae.
%J Phytochemistry
%V 18: 261--262.

%A Rönnerstrand, S.
%D 1943.
%T Untersuchungen über Oxydase, Peroxydase und Ascorbinsäure in eingen Meeresalgen.
%J Thesis. Lund University.
%V 116 pp.

%A Saenko, G.N.
%A Kravtsova, Y.Y.
%A Ivanenko, V.V.
%A Shedludko, S.I.
%D 1978.
%T Concentration of iodine and bromine by plants in the seas of Japan and Okhotsk.
%J Mar. Biol.
%V 47: 243--250.

%A Tsuchiya, Y.
%D 1979.
%T Polyhydroxyphenols in some brown algae.
%E Hoppe, H.A. et al. (eds.),
%B Marine algae in pharmaceutical science.
%C Berlin:
%I de Gruyter.
%P Pp. 545--549.