University Herbarium, UC Berkeley


Reference list from DeCew's Guide


%A Aguilar Rosas, R.
%A Machado Galindo, A.
%D 1990.
%T Ecological aspects of Sargassum muticum (Fucales, Phaeophyta) in Baja California, Mexico: reproductive phenology and epiphytes.
%J Hydrobiologia
%V 204/205: 185--190.

%A Carefoot, T.H.
%D 1973.
%T Feeding, food preference, and the uptake of food energy by the supralittoral isopod Ligia pallasii.
%J Mar. Biol.
%V 18: 228--236.

%A Dayton, P.K.
%D 1975.
%T Experimental evaluation of ecological dominance in a rocky intertidal algal community.
%J Ecol. Monogr.
%V 45: 137--159.

%A Dethier, M.N.
%D 1981.
%T Heteromorphic algal life histories: the seasonal pattern and response to herbivory of the brown crust, Ralfsia californica.
%J Oecologia
%V 49: 333--339.

%A Dethier, M.N.
%D 1984.
%T Disturbance and recovery in intertidal pools: maintenance of mosaic patterns.
%J Ecol. Monogr.
%V 54: 99--118.

%A Devinny, J.S.
%D 1978.
%T Ordination of seaweed communities: environmental gradients at Punta Banda, Mexico.
%J Bot. Mar.
%V 21: 357--363.

%A Dieck, I. tom
%D 1987.
%T Temperature tolerance and daylength effects in isolates of Scytosiphon lomentaria (Phaeophyceae) of the North Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
%J Helgoländer Meeresuntersuch.
%V 41: 307--321.

%A Dring, M.J.
%A Lüning, K.
%D 1983.
%T Photomorphogenesis of marine macroalgae.
%E Shropshire, W., and Mohr, M. (eds.),
%B Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology, n.s. Vol. 16B.
%C Berlin:
%I Springer-Verlag.
%P Pp. 545--568.

%A Emerson, S.E.
%A Zedler, J.B.
%D 1978.
%T Recolonization of intertidal algae: an experimental study.
%J Mar. Biol.
%V 44: 315--324.

%A Lee, R.K.S.
%D 1965a.
%T Development of marine benthic algal communities on Juan de Fuca Strait.
%H Ph.D. Thesis.
%C Vancouver:
%I University of British Columbia.
%P 109 pp.

%A Lee, R.K.S.
%D 1965b.
%T Development of marine benthic algal communities on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
%E Taylor, R.L., and Ludwig, R.A. (eds.),
%B The evolution of Canada's flora.
%C Toronto:
%I University of Toronto Press.
%P Pp. 100--120.

%A Littler, M.M.
%A Arnold, K.E.
%D 1982.
%T Primary productivity of marine macroalgal functional-form groups from southwestern North America.
%J J. Phycol.
%V 18: 307--311.

%A Littler, M.M.
%A Littler, D.S.
%D 1984 (`1983').
%T Heteromorphic life-history strategies in the brown alga Scytosiphon lomentaria (Lyngb.) Link.
%J J. Phycol.
%V 19: 425--431.

%A Littler, M.M.
%A Murray, S.N.
%D 1975.
%T Impact of sewage on the distribution, abundance and community structure of rocky intertidal macro-organisms.
%J Mar. Biol.
%V 30: 277--291.

%A Littler, M.M.
%A Murray, S.N.
%D 1978.
%T Influence of domestic wastes on energetic pathways in rocky intertidal communities.
%J J. Appl. Ecol.
%V 15: 583--595.

%A Lüning, K.
%A Dring, M.J.
%D 1973.
%T The influence of light quality on the development of the brown algae Petalonia and Scytosiphon.
%J Brit. Phycol. J.
%V 8: 333--338.

%A Lüning, K.
%A Freshwater, W.
%D 1988.
%T Temperature tolerance of northeast Pacific marine algae.
%J J. Phycol.
%V 24: 310--315.

%A Lüning, K.
%D 1980b.
%T Control of algal life-history by daylength and temperature.
%E Price, J.H., Irvine, D.E.G., and Farnham, W.F. (eds.),
%B The shore environment. Vol. 2: Ecosystems.
%C London:
%I Academic Press.
%P Pp. 915--945.

%A Lüning, K.
%D 1982.
%T Seasonality in larger brown algae and its possible regulation by the environment.
%E Srivastava, L.M. (ed.),
%B Synthetic and degradative processes in marine macrophytes.
%C Berlin:
%I Walter de Gruyter.
%P Pp. 47--67.

%A Lüning, K.
%D 1990.
%T Seaweeds: Their environment, biogeography, and ecophysiology.
%C New York:
%I John Wiley & Sons.
%P xiii + 527 pp.

%A Lubchenco, J.
%A Cubit, J.
%D 1980.
%T Heteromorphic life histories of certain marine algae as adaptations to variations in herbivory.
%J Ecology
%V 61: 676--687.

%A Lubchenco, J.
%D 1982.
%T Effects of grazers and algal competitors on fucoid colonization in tide pools.
%J J. Phycol.
%V 18: 544--550.

%A Munda, I.M.
%D 1984.
%T Salinity dependent accumulation of Zn, Co, and Mn in Scytosiphon lomentaria (Lyngb.) Link and Enteromorpha intestinalis (L.) Link from the Adriatic Sea.
%J Bot. Mar.
%V 27: 371--376.

%A Murray, S.N.
%A Littler, M.M.
%0 edited book
%D 1974.
%T Biological features of intertidal communities near the U.S. Navy sewage outfall, Wilson Cove, San Clemente Island, California.
%C San Diego:
%I U.S. Naval Undersea Center.
%P 85 pp.

%A Murray, S.N.
%A Littler, M.M.
%D 1978.
%T Patterns of algal succession in a perturbated marine intertidal community.
%J J. Phycol.
%V 14: 506--512.

%A Paine, R.T.
%A Vadas, R.L.
%D 1969b.
%T Calorific values of benthic marine algae and their postulated relation to invertebrate food preference.
%J Mar. Biol.
%V 4: 79--86.

%A Rhodes, R.G.
%A Connell, M.U.
%D 1973.
%T The biology of brown algae on the Atlantic coast of Virginia. II. Petalonia fascia and Scytosiphon lomentaria.
%J Chesapeake Sci.
%V 14: 211--215.

%A Scagel, R.F.
%D 1961.
%T The distribution of certain benthonic algae in Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia, in relation to some environmental factors.
%J Pacific Sci.
%V 15: 494--539.

%A Shannon, R.K.
%A Crow, G.E.
%A Mathieson, A.C.
%D 1988a.
%T Seasonal abundance and recruitment patterns of Petalonia fascia (O.F. Müller) Küntze and Scytosiphon lomentaria (Lyngbye) Link var. lomentaria in New Hampshire, U.S.A.
%J Bot. Mar.
%V 31: 207--214.

%A Stewart, J.G.
%D 1982.
%T Anchor species and epiphytes in intertidal algal turf.
%J Pacific Sci.
%V 36: 45--59.

%A Thom, R.M.
%D 1980a.
%T Seasonality in low intertidal benthic marine algal communities in central Puget Sound, Washington, USA.
%J Bot. Mar.
%V 23: 7--11.

%A Thom, R.M.
%D 1980b.
%T A gradient in benthic intertidal algal assemblages along the southern California coast.
%J J. Phycol.
%V 16: 102--108.