University Herbarium, UC Berkeley: Indian Ocean Catalogue

IOC entry for Gymnogongrus tetrasporifer

Previous entry: Gymnogongrus dilatatus

Gymnogongrus tetrasporifer Papenfuss, nom. inval.

Gymnogongrus tetrasporifer Papenfuss in R. Anderson & Bolton, 1990: 383, fig. 6 (`tetrasporiferus').


Note: Collections from Cape Morgan, eastern Cape, recorded by Delf & Michell (1921: 106) as Gymnogongrus polycladus and its presumed parasite, Actinococcus aggregatus Schmitz (1893b: 385, pl. VII: figs. 4–7), were considered by Papenfuss (notes) to represent a new species, the alleged parasite being the tetrasporangial nemathecia. The Papenfuss manuscript name, which was encountered by Anderson & Bolton (l.c.) in the Bolus Herbarium (BOL) in Cape Town, has not been validated.

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