Constancea 84, 2006
University and Jepson Herbaria
California Lichen Catalog

References from the California Lichen Catalog

BOWLER, P. A., & R. E. RIEFNER JR. 1990.
A preliminary lichen checklist for the University of California, Irvine, campus and the San Joaquin wetlands. Crossosoma 16(6): 1–10.
BOWLER, P. A., W. A. WEBER, & R. E. RIEFNER JR. 1996.
A checklist of the lichens of San Clemente Island, California. Bulletin of the California Lichen Society 3(2): 1–8.
BRATT, C. C. 1993.
The lichen flora of Santa Barbara Island, California, pp. 59–63, in F. G. Hochberg (ed.), Third California Islands Symposium: recent advances in research on the California Islands. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara. 661 pp.
Lichens of the Sweeney Granite Mountains Desert Research Center and environs. Bulletin of the California Lichen Society 6: 8–12.
HALE, M. E., & M. COLE. 1988.
Lichens of California. University of California Press, Berkeley.
ROBERTSON, J., B. HILL, & M. McGEE. 1998.
Field trip to Brushy Peak Regional Preserve, Livermore Area Recreation and Parks Dept., Saturday, April 25, 1998. Bulletin of the California Lichen Society 5: 38–39.
THOMSON, J. W. 1997.
American Arctic lichens. 2. Microlichens. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison. Pp. 1–675.
TUCKER, S. C., & W. P. JORDAN. 1979 (1978).
A catalog of California lichens. Wasmann Journal of Biology 36: 1–105.
WEBER, W. A., C. BRATT, & J. LARSON. 1987.
Lichens and bryophytes of the Santa Rosa Plateau Nature Conservancy Reserve, Riverside County, California. Evansia 4: 21–25.
WETMORE, C. M., & E. I. KÄRNEFELT. 1998.
The lobate and subfruticose species of Caloplaca in north and central America. The Bryologist 101: 230–255.
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