Constancea 84, 2006
University and Jepson Herbaria
California Lichen Catalog

References from the California Lichen Catalog

HASSE, H. E. 1895.
Lichens of the vicinity of Los Angeles I. Erythea 3: 41–44.
HASSE, H. E. 1913a.
Additions to the lichen flora of southern California. No. 8. The Bryologist 16: 1–2.
HASSE, H. E. 1913b.
The lichen flora of southern California. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 17: 1–132.
HERTEL, H. 1988.
Lecideaceae Exsiccatae ausgegeben von der Botanischen Staatsammlung München. Fasc. X (No. 181–200). June 1988. 8 pp.
ORCUTT, C. R. 1909.
Botany of southern California. Lichens. American Plants, 2: 400–401.
TUCKER, S. C., & W. P. JORDAN. 1979 (1978).
A catalog of California lichens. Wasmann Journal of Biology 36: 1–105.
Genera Lichenum. An arrangement of the North American lichens. Edwin Nelson, Amherst. 281 pp. + index.
A synopsis of the North American Lichens. Pt. 1, Boston.
WILLEY, H. 1873a.
A list of North American lichens arranged according to Professor E. Tuckerman's “Genera Lichenum”. New Bedford.
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