Constancea 84, 2006
University and Jepson Herbaria
California Lichen Catalog

References from the California Lichen Catalog

BOLANDER, H. N. 1870.
A catalogue of the plants growing in the vicinity of San Francisco. San Francisco.
FINK, B. 1935.
The lichen flora of the United States. Ann Arbor.
The lichens of British Columbia. Illustrated keys. Part 1. Foliose and squamulose species. British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Crown Publications Inc., Victoria, B. C., Canada.
HASSE, H. E. 1895.
Lichens of the vicinity of Los Angeles I. Erythea 3: 41–44.
HASSE, H. E. 1898a.
Lichens of Southern California. Los Angeles.
HASSE, H. E. 1905.
A few lichens picked up on San Jacinto Mountain. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 4: 123–125.
HASSE, H. E. 1908b.
Lichens collected in the Tehachepi [sic] Mountains, California, June, 1907. The Bryologist 11: 55–57, 74.
HASSE, H. E. 1913b.
The lichen flora of southern California. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 17: 1–132.
HERRE, A. W. C. T. 1906.
The foliaceous and fruticose lichens of the Santa Cruz peninsula, California. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences 7: 325–396.
HERRE, A. W. C. T. 1907.
Lichen distribution in the Santa Cruz peninsula, California. Botanical Gazette 43: 267–273.
HERRE, A. W. C. T. 1910.
The lichen flora of the Santa Cruz peninsula, California. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences 12(2): 27–269.
HOWE, R. H. 1911.
American species of Alectoria occurring north of the fifteenth parallel. Mycologia 3: 106–150.
HUE, A. M. 1890.
Lichens exoticos a professore W. Nylander descriptos vel recognitos et in herbario musei Parisiensis pro maxima parte assertavos in ordine systematico disposuit. Nouvelles archives du Muséum d'histoire naturelle, Series 3, 2: 211–322.
McCLATCHIE, A. J. 1895.
Flora of Pasadena and vicinity. pp. 605–649, in H. A. Reid (ed.), History of Pasadena, Pasadena.
McCLATCHIE, A. J. 1897.
Seedless plants of southern California. Protophytes — Pteridophytes. Proceedings of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 1: 363–370.
MERRILL, G. K. 1923.
Lichens. Pp. 358–377, in C. F. Millspaugh and L. W. Nuttall (eds.), Flora of Santa Catalina Island, California. Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical Series, vol. 5.
NYLANDER, W. 1858–1860.
Synopsis methodica lichenum omnium hucusque cognitorum praemissa introductione lingua gallica tractata. L. Martinet, Paris.
ORCUTT, C. R. 1903.
Southern California lichens. The West American Scientist 14(3): 17–22; 14(4): 25–28.
ORCUTT, C. R. 1907.
Botany of southern California. Lichens. American Plants, 1: 240–245, 367–372.
TUCKER, S. C., & W. P. JORDAN. 1979 (1978).
A catalog of California lichens. Wasmann Journal of Biology 36: 1–105.
Supplement to an enumeration of North American lichens, continued. American Journal of Science and Arts, Series 2, 28: 200–206.
Lichens of California, Oregon, and the Rocky Mountains, so far as yet known. J. S. and C. Adams, Amherst. 35 pp.
A synopsis of the North American Lichens. Pt. 1, Boston.
WEST, R., & J. DOELL. 1995.
Marin County field trip. Bulletin of the California Lichen Society 2(1): 10–11.
WILLEY, H. 1873a.
A list of North American lichens arranged according to Professor E. Tuckerman's “Genera Lichenum”. New Bedford.
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