Constancea 84, 2006
University and Jepson Herbaria
California Lichen Catalog

References from the California Lichen Catalog

BOWLER, P. A., & R. E. RIEFNER JR. 1990.
A preliminary lichen checklist for the University of California, Irvine, campus and the San Joaquin wetlands. Crossosoma 16(6): 1–10.
Lichens of North America. Yale University Press, New Haven.
KNOPH, J.-G., & C. LEUCKERT. 1994.
Chemotaxonomic studies in the saxicolous species of the lichen genus Lecidella (Lecanorales, Lecanoraceae) in America. Nova Hedwigia 59: 455–508.
KNOPH, J.-G., & C. LEUCKERT. 2004.
Lecidella, pp. 309–320, in T. H. Nash III, B. D. Ryan, P. Diederich, C. Gries, & F. Bungartz (eds.), Lichen flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert region, Vol. 2. Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe.
RYAN, B. D., & T. H. NASH III. 1991.
Lichens of the Eastern Brook Lakes watershed, Sierra Nevada Mountains, California. The Bryologist 94: 181–195.
SIGAL, L. L. 1989.
The lichens of serpentine rocks and soils in California. Mycotaxon 34: 221–238.
TUCKER, S. C., & W. P. JORDAN. 1979 (1978).
A catalog of California lichens. Wasmann Journal of Biology 36: 1–105.
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