Constancea 84, 2006
University and Jepson Herbaria
California Lichen Catalog

References from the California Lichen Catalog

BRATT, C. C. 1999.
Additions to the lichen flora of San Clemente Island, California. Bulletin of the California Lichen Society 6: 19–21.
EGEA, J. M., & P. TORRENTE. 1995a.
The lichen genus Sclerophyton in the Sonoran Desert. The Bryologist 98: 207–217.
EGEA, J. M., & P. TORRENTE. 2002.
Sclerophyton, pp. 458–461, in T. H. Nash III, B. D. Ryan, C. Gries, & F. Bungartz (eds.), Lichen flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert region, Vol. 1. Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe.
FINK, B. 1935.
The lichen flora of the United States. Ann Arbor.
HASSE, H. E. 1909.
Additions to the lichen flora of southern California. No. 2. The Bryologist 12: 101–104.
HASSE, H. E. 1913b.
The lichen flora of southern California. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 17: 1–132.
MERRILL, G. K. 1923.
Lichens. Pp. 358–377, in C. F. Millspaugh and L. W. Nuttall (eds.), Flora of Santa Catalina Island, California. Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical Series, vol. 5.
SPARRIUS, L. B. 2004.
A monograph of Enterographa and Sclerophyton. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 89. 141 pp. J. Cramer, Berlin, Stuttgart.
TUCKER, S. C. 1997.
Notes on recent lichen collections and publications. Bulletin of the California Lichen Society 4: 27–28.
TUCKER, S. C., & W. P. JORDAN. 1979 (1978).
A catalog of California lichens. Wasmann Journal of Biology 36: 1–105.
Observations on North American and other lichens. No. 4. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 12: 166–185.
A synopsis of the North American Lichens, Pt. 2, comprising of the Lecidacei, and (in part) the Graphidacei. E. Anthony & Sons, Printers, New Bedford. 176 pp.
WEBER, W. A. 1989a.
Lichenes Exsiccatae, Fascicle 17, 18 (no. 641–700); numbers from California: 655. Lecidella subincongrua var. elaeochromoides. ; 656. Caloplaca bolacina; 657. Caloplaca bolacina ; 658. Niebla ceruchoides ; 659. Caloplaca microphyllina; 660. Caloplaca brattiae; 661. Sclerophyton californicum; 662. Lecanographa dimelaenoides (as “Arthothelium?”; 663. Toninia pacifica (Type); 664. Psora pacifica; 665. Rinodina californiensis, as Rinodina santamonicae; 666. Pertusaria pustulata; 668. Phaeophyscia cernohorskyi; 669. Tephromela nashii, as T. atra; 670. Pertusaria flavicunda; 671. Buellia capitis-regum; 672. Caloplaca stantonii; 673. Verrucaria glaucina; 674. Thelomma mammosum; 675. Lecania brunonis, as “Lecania dudleyi”; 676. Lecanora gangaleoides; 677. Verrucaria cf. canella; 678. Caloplaca luteominia; 679. Xanthoria candelaria; 680. Buellia halonia; 681. Caloplaca coralloides as “Polycauliona coralloides”; 689. Aspicilia cf. epiglypta; 690. Psorula scotopholis; 691. Trapeliopsis glaucopholis, as T. wallrothii; 692. Melanelia glabra; 693. Caloplaca saxicola; 694. Dimelaena oreina; 695. Caloplaca stanfordensis; 696. Lecidea sp. Distributed by the University of Colorado, Boulder.
WILLEY, H. 1887.
An introduction to the study of lichens. New Bedford.
Catalogus Lichenum Universalis, Vol. II. Leipzig, Berlin.
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