Constancea 84, 2006
University and Jepson Herbaria
California Lichen Catalog

References from the California Lichen Catalog

HASSE, H. E. 1897.
New species of lichens from southern California as determined by Dr. W. Nylander and the late Dr. Stizenberger. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 24: 445–449.
HASSE, H. E. 1898a.
Lichens of Southern California. Los Angeles.
HASSE, H. E. 1903a.
Contributions to the lichen flora of the California coast islands. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 2: 23–26.
McCLATCHIE, A. J. 1897.
Seedless plants of southern California. Protophytes — Pteridophytes. Proceedings of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 1: 363–370.
NYLANDER, W. 1900.
Lichenes Ceylonenses et additamentum ad lichenes Japoniae. Acta Societatis Scientarum Fennicae 26: 1–33.
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