The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California

  • Up-to-date information about California vascular plants is available from the Jepson eFlora.

Names are linked to treatments from the Manual


N.B.: couplets are linked, e.g., 1. is linked to 1'.

  1. Glumes deciduous; spikelets falling as 1 unit, 1–2 per inflorescence branch (sect. Melica)
M. stricta
  1' Glumes persistent; spikelet axis breaking above glumes, spikelets > 2 per lower inflorescence branch (sect. Bromelica)
    2. Lemma acuminate or awned; hairs (if any) near base
      3. Awn 5–12 mm; lemma surface glabrous, margin often hairy near base
M. aristata
      3' Awn 0–4 mm; lemma surface hairy near base
        4. Lemma obtuse to ± tapered, awn 1–4 mm, ciliate; corms 0
M. harfordii
        4' Lemma strongly tapered, awn 0; corms present
M. subulata
    2' Lemma obtuse to acute, awn 0, hairs (if any) near tip
      5. Fertile florets 1–2 in all spikelets
        6. Sterile cluster at axis tip 0.5–4 mm, widest at middle or below; lemma glabrous or minutely scabrous
M. imperfecta
        6' Sterile cluster at axis tip 0.5–1.5 mm, truncate or widest above middle; lemma margin generally hairy
M. torreyana
      5' Fertile florets 3–7 in some or all spikelets
        7. Stem 10–60 cm; floret stalks swollen when fresh, ± wrinkled and yellow-brown when dry
M. fugax
        7' Stem 45–200 cm; floret stalks not swollen nor wrinkled when dry
          8. Palea 1/2–3/4 × lemma length; leaves 3–5 per stem, blades 3–9 cm
M. frutescens
          8' Palea ± 7/8 × lemma length; leaves 2–3 per stem, blades generally >> 9 cm
            9. Sterile cluster at axis tip widest above middle, tip truncate
M. californica
            9' Sterile cluster at axis tip widest below middle, tip acute to acuminate
              10. Both glumes ± 1/2 lowest floret length; corms connected to rhizome by short stalk
M. spectabilis
              10' 1 or both glumes ± 3/4 lowest floret length; corms sessile on rhizome (or rhizome 0)
                11. Sheath of basal leaf remaining intact; inflorescence ± narrow, branches ± ascending
M. bulbosa
                11' Sheath of basal leaf becoming fibrous; inflorescence generally wide, branches spreading to reflexed
M. geyeri

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