The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California

  • Up-to-date information about California vascular plants is available from the Jepson eFlora.

Names are linked to treatments from the Manual


N.B.: couplets are linked, e.g., 1. is linked to 1'.

  1. Bractlets subtending calyx 1–9 mm wide
    2. Flower clusters weakly defined, not subtended by bracts, arrayed in panicle-like inflorescence — South Coast Ranges (Salinas Valley)
M. abbottii
    2' Flower clusters dense, subtended by bracts, arrayed in head-, spike-, or panicle-like inflorescence
      3. Inflorescence spike- or narrowly panicle-like, clusters congested or well separated; Inner South Coast Ranges, Peninsular Ranges
M. aboriginum
      3' Inflorescence head-like (sometimes with a few lower clusters); sw Central Western California
M. palmeri
  1' Bractlets subtending calyx < 1 mm wide
    4. Calyx lobes < or ± = tube, length generally ± 1.5 × width; bractlets generally < half calyx length
      5. Calyx sparsely bristly (some hairs 1–3 mm); flower clusters dense, often well separated in naked, spike-like inflorescence — Peninsular Ranges, w Sonoran Desert
2 M. densiflorus
      5' Calyx densely hairy (not bristly); flower clusters dense or open, in spike- to panicle-like inflorescence
        6. Leaf blade 5–20 cm, thick, upper surface generally densely hairy, tawny, sinuses closed, lobes overlapping; branches generally stout; Outer South Coast Ranges, South Coast
M. davidsonii
        6' Leaf blade 2–6(11) cm, thin, upper surface generally green, sparsely hairy, sinuses open, lobes not overlapping; branches generally slender; Central Western California, Southwestern California
M. fasciculatus
    4' Calyx lobes ± = to >> tube, length generally 1.5–3 × width; bractlets generally > half calyx length
      7. Calyx lobes in bud joined by their margins (calyx in bud 5-angled or -winged); calyx lobes in flower widely ovate, their hairs generally tawny, coarse
        8. Calyx sparsely bristly (some hairs 1–3 mm); flower clusters dense, often well separated in naked, spike-like inflorescence; Peninsular Ranges, w Sonoran Desert
2 M. densiflorus
        8' Calyx densely hairy (not bristly); flower clusters dense or open, generally congested in short, basally leafy, spike-like inflorescence; w&c Transverse Ranges
M. marrubioides
      7' Calyx lobes in bud not joined by their margins (calyx in bud not angled or winged); calyx lobes in flower narrowly triangular to ovate, their hairs white to grayish, soft
        9. Petals white; leaf lobes 3–5, obvious; leaf upper surface becoming glabrous, dark green — s Channel Islands
M. clementinus
        9' Petals light purple; leaf lobes 0 or obscure; leaf upper surface hairy, white or green
          10. Branches generally coarse, stiff; flower clusters generally densely many-flowered, arrayed in spike- to panicle-like inflorescence; leaves 4–6(11) cm; widespread
M. fremontii
          10' Branches slender, flexible; flower clusters loosely 3–6-flowered, generally arrayed in panicle-like inflorescence; leaves 2.5– 4.5(7) cm; Outer South Coast Ranges
M. jonesii

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