The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California

  • Up-to-date information about California vascular plants is available from the Jepson eFlora.

Names are linked to treatments from the Manual


N.B.: couplets are linked, e.g., 1. is linked to 1'.

  1. Sepals entire, petal-like, becoming scarious in age; stem disjointing near middle, leaving ring of scarious bracts (sect. Lewisia)
    2. Sepals 2; bracts ovate, 2–4 in ring — flower 10–15 mm
L. disepala
    2' Sepals 6–8; bracts awl-like, 5–many in ring
L. rediviva
  1' Sepals entire or not, not petal-like; stem not disjointing, bracts generally 2 or alternate on stem, not in ring (sect. Oreobroma)
    3. Sepals 2 but seemingly 4 due to 2 sepal-like bracts immediately below calyx; stems 1-flowered
      4. Sepal margins entire — San Bernardino Mountains, Peninsular Ranges
L. brachycalyx
      4' Sepal margins gland-toothed
L. kelloggii
    3' Sepals 2, bracts well below; stems 1–many-flowered
      5. Leaves few, cauline; stems from small, spheric corm — flowers 1–10 in loose cluster
L. triphylla
      5' Leaves many, mostly in basal rosette; stems from stout, elongated root + caudex
        6. Stem generally 1–2-flowered; flowers generally not or slightly exserted from leaves
          7. Sepal margins gland-toothed; root + caudex elongate, widest at top, tapered or branched below; bracts ± ovate, immediately or well below flowers, margins ± gland-toothed; ± geog restricted — stems often 2-flowered
            8. Petals ± 8 mm, tips irregular, not glandular, not acuminate; root + caudex very stout, rosette dense; bracts in 1–2 irregular pairs, above middle of stem; c&s High Sierra Nevada, East of Sierra Nevada (White Mtns)
L. glandulosa
            8' Petals 15–18 mm, tips glandular-acuminate; root + caudex stout, rosette loose; bracts in 1–2 pairs, near middle of stem; n High Sierra Nevada
L. longipetala
          7' Sepal margins entire or not, generally not glandular (except rarely in L. pygmaea); root + caudex fusiform, corm-like, or elongate, widest at top, tapered or branched below; bracts generally lanceolate, well below flowers, margins generally entire, not glandular; widespread
            9. Sepal tips ± acute, generally spreading, margins generally ± entire, generally not glandular; flowers 8–15 mm; stem 1-flowered; root + caudex fusiform or corm-like
L. nevadensis
            9' Sepal tips ± round, not spreading, margins ± jagged, rarely glandular; flowers 5–10 mm; stem rarely 2-flowered; root + caudex generally elongate, widest at top, tapered or branched below
L. pygmaea
        6' Stem generally 2–many-flowered; flowers well exserted from leaves (except sometimes in L. oppositifolia)
          10. Leaf ± linear, flat or cylindric
L. leana
          10' Leaf narrowly oblanceolate or wider, flat
            11. Flower generally 6–8 mm — stem 4–7 × leaves, several–many-flowered
              12. Leaves finely to coarsely dentate, ± spoon-shaped, tip round, truncate, or notched — Klamath Ranges, High Cascade Range, n High Sierra Nevada
L. cantelovii
              12' Leaves entire, narrowly oblanceolate to obovate, tip acute to blunt
                13. Leaves 3–8 cm, basal; Klamath Ranges
L. columbiana
                13' Leaves 10–20 cm, basal and a few cauline; c High Sierra Nevada
L. congdonii
            11' Flower 8–17 mm
              14. Stem 1.5–3 × leaves, 3–11-flowered; pedicels > flowers
                15. Sepal margins jagged-toothed, not glandular; Klamath Ranges
L. oppositifolia
                15' Sepal margins gland-toothed; High North Coast Ranges
L. stebbinsii
              14' Stem 3–7 × leaves, 12–many-flowered; pedicels generally < flowers; Klamath Ranges, High Cascade Range
L. cotyledon
                16. Leaf margins entire; > 1300 m
var. cotyledon
                16' Leaf margins not entire; < 2100 m
                  17. Leaf margins dentate
var. heckneri
                  17' Leaf margins wavy
var. howellii

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