Dr. Brent Mishler has an extensive record of teaching and mentoring students at the undergraduate and graduate level, and indeed has taught the majority of graduate students in bryology in the United States over the last decade. He currently participates in four undergraduate classes, a Freshman Seminar on the Darwinian Revolution, a phylogenetic survey of plant diversity (co-taught with Dr. J. Taylor and Dr. L. Feldman), a new course in molecular evolution (co-taught with Dr. M. Slatkin), and an intensive field research class in tropical biology and geology (co-taught with a number of other faculty members). The latter class meets every day of the week for a few weeks on campus, then moves to the UC Berkeley Gump Research Station on Moorea in French Polynesia for over two months, with the faculty rotating down there for 2 or 3 week intervals. This format results in a rewarding teaching and learning experience, since it allows a unique level of involvement of faculty and students in field research.

Mishler's main effort in formal graduate education has been a course in phylogenetic systematics (IB 200, co-taught with Dr. D. Lindberg), a general and rigorous introduction to theory and method, with a laboratory component on numerical methods. This course, focusing as it does on what is general in systematics, rather then on specific taxonomic groups, has already developed into a popular, central core to the training program in systematics across several departments at UC Berkeley.

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