As discussed above in several sections, we have broader goals in addition to monography. We see the monographs as the starting points for addressing a variety of issues. As detailed in the sections above, these plants have a number of characteristics that lend themselves to serving as a study system for investigating the application of species concepts, biogeography, reproductive biology, and diversification. For example, once we have the basic patterns of relationships documented, we will apply comparative phylogenetic tests to: (1) compare divergence rates in morphology versus molecular characters; (2) look for associations between particular reproductive modes and divergence rates (i.e., some taxa appear to be entirely asexually reproducing, since sporpophytes are unknown, while other taxa appear to frequently reproductive sexually since they are dioicous yet produce sporophytes frequently, which must therefore be the result of a cross); (3) search for congruence between cladograms of different groups within the Calymperaceae and in other organisms to look for shared patterns of dispersal or vicariance.

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